Why Should You Consider Insulated Drapes For Your Windows?


Having lots of windows in a home is great for adding natural light, but it can also affect the comfort inside the home. While there are many window coverings from which to choose, insulated drapes are an excellent option to consider. Not only do they come in multiple styles that can drastically change the look of your home, but they make the living space inside your home more ideal. Check out these three benefits to installing insulated drapes for your windows.

They Reduce Drafts During the Winter

If you want to improve the heating inside your home during the winter, you should consider installing insulated drapes. One of the problems with windows during the winter is drafts. The window outside your home is cold, and when it touches the windows outside the home, it cools the glass. If you don't have double-paned windows, this means the glass inside the house is cold too. When the hot air inside the house touches the cold window, it cools too.

Cold air naturally drops, and hot air naturally rises, so when the air cools, it falls, and new hot air rushes in to take its place, also cooling and falling. This creates a cycle of cold, thus generating drafts. You can fix this problem by installing double-paned or energy-efficient windows, but insulated drapes are a more affordable option. The drapes act like a barrier, blocking the warm air inside the home from touching the cold window. However, the drapes aren't air tight, so some air will still cool.

They Prevent Some Direct Heat From Entering the Home

Insulated drapes can also work during the summer months to help reduce the amount of natural heat gain inside the home. This lets you use less power to comfortably cool your home, and depending on your level of comfort and your climate, you may even be able to use central air conditioning less often. Similar to drafts, drapes keep out heat by acting like a barrier.

When sunlight spills into your home, it doesn't just bring light. It brings heat too. Over time, that big, uncovered window can drastically increase the temperature inside your home. Thick, insulated drapes, however, help block some heat from transferring. As with cold air, some heat will leak into your home, but you'll keep most of it out of your living space. With fewer UV rays penetrating your home, you'll also notice less fading on fabrics, furniture, flooring, etc. If UV rays are your top priority, consider low-E window films in addition to insulated drapes. They block UV rays but not visible natural light.

They Provide Privacy and Noise-Reduction

Insulated drapes are also great at providing more privacy. Many people don't like having exposed windows because it allows anyone to look inside and see what they are doing or what they own. While many types of window coverings provide some privacy, the thick, solid material used to craft insulated drapes offers better protection from prying eyes. With thin curtains, people may be able to see though them.

Another perk is noise reduction. These heavy-duty drapes are great at acting as a noise barrier. This boosts the privacy they provide by keeping your conversations quiet. At the same time, they block noises from outside, such as trains, heavy traffic, construction, etc., making enjoying time inside your house with your family more enjoyable.

With so many window coverings from which to choose, picking the right one can seem difficult. However, if you want to keep your living space more comfortable for cheap, you must consider insulated drapes. They can prevent drafts, stop the transfer of heat, and add privacy. For more information about insulated drapes or other window coverings, contact a company like Sav-Mor Interiors in your area today.


7 September 2018

How Interior Designers Can Help

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between professional interior designers and you? Although you might figure that choosing a paint color and picking a few framed portraits might be a breeze, there is a lot more to interior design than most people realize. Professionals have relationships with vendors, and understanding of design rules, and even a familiarity with different brands. By using their services, you can create a home that has everything you need--without having to worry about it staying that way. Go through my website to learn more about how a designer could help you, so that you aren't left guessing.